Thursday, December 8, 2011

Something to Consider

Read this.
At first glance, someone might think that this a great testimony to the advancement of the Kingdom, or even in a less denominational stance- that so many Christians advanced their walk with God that day.
True, and valid.

BUT. I think we missed a huge point about Christianity today. Did you notice how the whole article is about the "Pentecostals" and the "Church of Christs"? Why is Christianity so divided? Is that what Christ intended?

I don't think so. Actually, I know so. Christ rebuked the Pharisees over and over for their strict lawful practices and their exclusive behavior. Christ died to open up the salvation opportunity to ALL people. And as we know, salvation is not a one-time confession and statement of faith, but a continual, daily walk with the Lord.  Why in the world would we separate ourselves from people who want to know God just as intimately just because we don't see eye-to-eye on every verse in the Bible.

If you ask me, biblical themes are unchanging from denomination to denomination: grace, love, giving, modesty, mercy, sacrifice, devotion, etc.

As the article states, it is a great thing when Christians commune together, but why in the world are we separate in the first place? Battling our own sins and the temptation of the world around us is difficult enough, but add on fighting every denomination but your own? Seems impractical to me.

We are all on the same team here, instead of considering yourself better because you believe a certain way- strive to grow in your relationship with Christ, show that growth to your fellow Christians, and see where that leads them. It's simple, love people into a deeper relationship with Christ.