Friday, January 21, 2011

Currently Listening

Miss Adele has been on my mind for a while, but tonight I finally broke down and bought her album. I think I have already listened to it 10 times straight through tonight alone. She has such a BIG voice, I adore it. Her sound makes me feel so British too. For whatever reason I got into a picture-taking mood and since I was feeling British- I played with some of the hats I own! I even got a little edgier with my photo editing (edgy haha, as edgy as you CAN get with iPhoto) while listening to Adele's beautiful tunes.

Here is her cover of "Make You Feel My Love". She literally makes you feel the love! <3

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Under Construction!

I mentioned in my first blog that I used to write a lot. Clearly, it has been a while because I am quite out of practice. But after reviewing my few and far between posts, I decided that I am being too vague and not informational enough about what's going on in the here and now. And, since I have a memory span slightly superior to a goldfish- I think it would be a good idea for me to be more documentary about my life. So I actually know what I am talking about a week from now. 

2011 has brought a change or two in my life so far and I'll fill you (or myself, for the future) in on a few of those things:

1. My appetite and work out schedule. Well, honestly my appetite hasn't changed much yet (I still crave all things carbs and sugary) but the goal here is to improve my diet and lessen my portions. So far it has been great! I sit down every night and plan out my meals for the next day and it really helps me avoid unnecessary munching and over-eating. I've also resolved to eat healthier options too (might I recommend the spicy black bean burger? GOOD stuff, y'all). I already feel better about myself and I'm not sure if I have noticed a weight difference yet, but I know it is coming soon. My work out schedule on the other hand is definitely paying off. I have started running 3-4 miles a day and I change it up every day by either running/biking/walking. It is seriously working wonders! I have so much more energy and I just feel better about myself. This semester Andrea and I are going to play some intramural sports at MTSU with some friends too. Exciting! I'm ready to meet new people and have fun getting exercise in. 

2. My general schedule and study habits. Anyone who knows me at all knows that I tend to spread myself very thin because I just can't say no to anyone. I love spending time with people so I accept any offer to connect with friends and acquaintances. Well, after a very stressful year of committing to everything and giving less than my best to everything. I have decided to plan my time more efficiently and to learn to say NO. (to drugs too, but mainly to dinner, icecream, lunch, movie, and shopping all in one day!) My week days now consist of staying in Murfreesboro, going to class, coming home and studying, going to work or working on some work, working out, cooking dinner, spending some personal time, and going to bed to get a FULL night of sleep. My weekends are free-for-all at this point but I have decided to spend Saturdays with my friends and Sundays at church and then coming home for some R&R. My pastor has said that God doesn't interrupt chaos, because no one will recognize it is God. I am so excited to see God ripple through theSpring and my personal life. I love that my structure and organization is going to pave a way for me and the people around me to recognize God more clearly than ever before.

3. The one area people always want to know about: dating. I am not going to get too terribly personal for the world wide web to read, but I will share a bit :) 2011 is the beginning of a new chapter for me in this area. I spent all of my teenage years in one of the following categories: 1. Great timing, terrible guy. 2. Great guy, terrible timing. After years and years of this heartbreaking and exhausting circle- I decided to take some time off from boys and wait until they were men and until I was old enough and mature enough to handle them. I wouldn't say at 19 (and a half!) that I have it all figured out, but it is really amazing what you learn about people, communication, and relationships when you aren't the one involved in them. I know what does and doesn't work (like communicating everything, works. Nagging and being obsessive/possessive, doesn't. And trust issues REALLY don't fair well.) and I know how to handle most situations in a mature, adult way. It has taken a lot of practice and a lot of bad experiences, but I think I have a good head on my shoulders finally and can handle stepping back into the dating scene. I'll say that I've had a pretty good experience so far ;) but that's all you get to know until I know more! 

That's pretty much it for 2011 so far! 
These are the things that I resolved to change about myself in 2011 and so far I am feeling very confident about each one! 

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Life is just one long series of short seasons. Reflecting over the last year, I can divide the time into a few different seasons. Some short, others longer.. some joyful, some tragic, some seemingly insignificant, some defining. And these make up life..

For whatever reason, whatever my current circumstance, whatever situation I find myself in... knowing that it is a fleeting moment makes everything that much more valuable.

I think that is exactly what my friend Amanda and I did the past 6 months. Cherished everything, lived up to our 19 year old potential and then some, and just took everything in stride- the good, the bad, and the ugly.

People make up seasons of life. Learn to appreciate the good ones, endure the tough ones and see the lesson that you're being taught in all of it.