Thursday, October 25, 2012

Cheers to Senior Year

Riikka and I saying good-bye
I was painfully reminded recently that it has been 6 months since I last blogged. SIX MONTHS. (Sorry Anne Lise!) It feels like I left my sweet palais at Capitaine Crespel for my lovely hometown of Murfreesboro, Tennessee just a few weeks ago...

 It's time for an update, hm?

Spontaneous trip to ATL
To be honest, I really dreaded coming home. I didn't want to be the same person I was when I left, and I certainly didn't want to get stuck in the small-town rut that seems so common here. My heart dreams big, and it wasn't about to settle for the same-ol' thing all over again. My poor mother and sweet friend Andrea had to endure my bad attitude and pouting for almost 2 weeks before leaving Europe and the entire journey home... they're both saints, truly. It might have been immature, but at the time it seemed very appropriate and somewhat necessary to mourn.

July 4th
Since then I have learned to appreciate my hometown for being exactly that: my home. Murfreesboro is and will always be home. This place is full of great childhood memories, awkward preteen years, silly decisions, and amazing friendships through all the mess. Throughout the summer I spent my time reconnecting with everyone, including my dad. Anyone who knows much about me knows that my dad and I haven't been close, or even in contact, in years. I realize now how much I wish he had been around for some different milestones and especially for some decision-making moments, but I am so thankful that he's here now and going to be around for the next big thing which is.. my college graduation.

21st Birthday!
That's a whole book in itself, but let's leave it at this: I am so thrilled and feel so accomplished to finish my undergrad (who wouldn't be?) and can not wait to move onto the next phase, but it is the most unsettling feeling I have ever experienced. This is one of those defining moments where you decide who you want to be and where you want to go in life: I really pride myself on my ability to adapt quickly and my flexibility when it comes to change, but this is just scary.

So, to make it less scary, I decided to pick up and move again to Colorado and work at a ski resort for the winter. I leave the day after my college graduation and start working my first full-time job the next day. The full-time job is a bit overwhelming, but being in the snow and mountains in my free time definitely makes it 100% worthwhile. The future beyond April is a bit of a blur. I plan to travel Europe for a month or so over the summer and then attend a graduate program in September hopefully in Europe, but possibly the U.S. I'm not worrying about that chapter until I need to though. For now, I am enjoying my last 2 months in the Boro at MTSU and living the college life.
flyin' high

Which brings me back to the present. Or past, really. At the end of August I broke my leg, which put me in crutches and a cast for the first month of the semester. I think the whole experience was to teach me patience ha... and it definitely did. I have never felt so limited and useless, but after 2 1/2 months I am back to walking and getting around like a normal, functioning human being (note to self: never break another bone again)
Amanda and I

I've met some really great people this year and just thoroughly enjoyed myself. Because what else do you do when the end is near? :)

Chatt/ATL road trip